Verschiedene Referenten
Mercure Hotel Panorama, Wintererstraße 89, 79104 Freiburg
Session 1
Freiburg School Ordoliberalism and Buchanan’s Constitutional Liberalism: Normative or Applied Economics? The Perspective of Ordnungsökonomik, Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt (Universität Hamburg) / Comment: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kliemt (Universität Gießen)
The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kliemt (Universität Gießen) / Comment: Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt (Universität Hamburg)
Session 2
Ordnungsökonomik and Constitutional Political Economy: Historical Roots. The Perspective of Ordnungsökonomik, Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt (Universität Siegen) / Comment: Prof. Peter J. Boettke, PhD (George Mason University, Fairfax, USA)
The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy, Prof. Peter J. Boettke, PhD (George Mason University, Fairfax, USA) / Comment: Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt (Universität Hamburg)
Session 3
Ordnungspolitik and Constitutional Choice: The Concept of Rule-based Politics. The Perspective of Ordnungsökonomik, Prof. Dr. Jan Schnellenbach (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) / Comment: Prof. Alan Hamlin, PhD (University of Manchester, UK)
The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy, Prof. Alan Hamlin, PhD (University of Manchester, UK) / Comment: Prof. Dr. Jan Schnellenbach (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
Session 4
Ordoliberalism, Constitutional Liberalism and Democracy: Politics and the Issue of Legitimacy. The Perspective of Ordnungsökonomik, Dr. Ekkehard A. Köhler und Daniel Nientiedt (Walter Eucken Institut Freiburg) / Comment: Prof. Dr. Viktor J. Vanberg (Walter Eucken Institut Freiburg)
The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy, Prof. Dr. Viktor J. Vanberg (Walter Eucken Institut Freiburg) / Comment: Dr. Ekkehard A. Köhler und Daniel Nientiedt (Walter Eucken Institut Freiburg)
Session 5
Ordnungsökonomik and Constitutional Political Economy as Progressive Research Programs: Prospective Research Agendas, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut Freiburg)
Session 6
The ideological Use and Abuse of Freiburg’s Ordoliberalism and Buchanan’s Constitutional Political Economy. The Perspective of Ordnungsökonomik, Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger (Universität Freiburg) / Comment: Prof. Michael C. Munger, PhD und Prof. Georg Vanberg, PhD (Duke University, Durham, USA)
The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy, Prof. Michael C. Munger, PhD und Prof. Georg Vanberg, PhD (Duke University, Durham, USA) / Comment: Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger (Universität Freiburg)