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We are hiring Research Group Lead (PostDoc, f/m/d) in Public Finance or Economic Policy
We are currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher/research group leader (100 %, TVL E-14) in the fields of public finance or economic policy at the earliest possible date. The position is initially limited to three years (WissZVG), with the option of extension.
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16.10.2024 New discussion paper by Viktor J. Vanberg
A new paper by Viktor J. Vanberg on “Spontaneous Order, Evolution and Common Law: Some Notes on F. A. Hayek’s System of Social Thought” has been published in the Discussion Paper Series of the Walter Eucken Institute.
To the paper…
8.10.2024 New discussion paper: “Why Whistleblowing Does Not Deter Collaborative Tax Evasion”
Does whistleblowing deter rule violations when such violations are believed to be common? Lilith Burgstaller and Katharina Pfeil examined this question in an online experiment about collaborative tax evasion. Check out our latest discussion paper.
To the paper… Behavioral Economics
22.2.2024 “You don’t need an invoice, do you?”
In their lately published paper Lilith Burgstaller and Katharina Pfeil ask if people were more inclined to evade taxes in a transaction if they know their transacting partner would do it.
Check out the paper… Behavioral Economics
9.2.2024 Call for Papers
Walter Eucken Institut and NOUS Network invite you to send in your papers (English or German) for our conference “Immanuel Kant as an Inspiration for Ordoliberalism”. Deadline is March 30. We look forward to your contributions.
Call for Papers…

The Walter Eucken Institute is a center of excellence for basic research on constitutional economics and ordoliberal thinking.

As an independent institution, the institute conducts economic and social science research in the tradition of the Freiburg School of Ordoliberal Economics. Thereby our main question is how our market-based competitive order can be maintained and further developed.

Research at the Walter Eucken Institute

Those who want to secure the social market economy in the long term must think beyond short-term system corrections. In doing so, we are guided by the question of how improved incentives can be created through framework conditions of the economy and political competition in order to discover and adequately take into account the long-term interests of citizens.

One of the research foci of the Walter Eucken Institute is in the area of fiscal sciences. Here, we analyze the state of the government budget and the macroeconomic consequences of government revenue and expenditure policies.

more about Economic Policy and Public Finance

In economics, most approaches to analyzing behavior have traditionally been based on the standard neoclassical economic model of behavior, in which an individual is assumed to be a fully rational, self-controlled, and utility-maximizing decisionmaker.

more about Behavioral Economics

The history of ordoliberalism begins with the Freiburg School, a research and teaching community of economists and lawyers at the University of Freiburg in the 1930s and 1940s.

more about History of Economic Thought

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lars P. Feld

Director of the Walter Eucken Institute

Lars P. Feld (*1966) has held the Chair of Economic Policy and Regulatory Economics at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg since 2010 and is Director of the Walter Eucken Institute. His research focuses on economic policy, public finance, new political economy and economic analysis of law.

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