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The Institute Walter Eucken Institute – Competence Center for Constitutional Economics

The Walter Eucken Institute is a center of excellence for basic research on constitutional economics and ordoliberal thinking.

As an independent institution, the Institute conducts economic and social science research in the tradition of the Freiburg School of Ordoliberal Economics. Thereby our main question is how our market-based competitive order can be maintained and further developed.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lars P. Feld

Director of the Walter Eucken Institute

Lars P. Feld (* 1966) holds the chair for Economic Policy and Constitutional Economics at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg since 2010 and is the current director of the Walter Eucken Institute.  His research focuses on economic and fiscal policies, the emerging field of New Political Economy, and the economic analysis of law.

The Institute History and ideas

In the midst of the National Socialist regime and in a period when totalitarian ideas dominated the thinking of most intellectuals, Eucken and his colleagues developed the legal and economic principles of a free economic and social order in Germany.

Learn more about Walter Eucken and the Freiburg School

The Institute Our team

Here you will find the contact details of our staff as well as the scientists associated with the Walter Eucken Institute.

more about our team

The Institute Organs of the institute

The Walter Eucken Instituts organs are
a) the board,
b) the trustees,
c) the general assembly.

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Organe des Instituts

Supporting membership Membership and donations

As a member you have the opportunity to participate in events such as lectures, workshops or symposia on current exciting topics and to meet renowned speakers. Some of these events are reserved for our members. We look forward to your joining.

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Hayek & Buchanan Honorary presidents and Walter Eucken Medal

Two of the most important economists of the 20th century, Nobel laureates Friedrich A. von Hayek and James M. Buchanan, were appointed honorary presidents of the Walter Eucken Institute.

The Walter Eucken Medal is awarded by the Institute and the Forum Ordnungspolitik to personalities who have rendered outstanding services to the work of the Walter Eucken Institute or to the clarification of ordoliberal policy through their commitment and (scientific) contributions.

more about the Honorary presidents and the medal