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Montag, 05.02.2018 | Walter Eucken Institut Is Liberalism Normative?

Prof. Dr. Deidre McCloskey

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Walter Eucken Institut, Goethestraße 10, 79100 Freiburg

Workshop with Deidre McCloskey, Distinguished Professor of Economics, History, English, and Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago


NOUS, Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft und Walter Eucken Institut


Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut)


Prof. Deidre McCloskey, PhD (University of Illinois at Chicago), Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt (Universität Siegen) und Dr. Ekkehard A. Köhler (Universität Freiburg)


Dr. Karen Horn (NOUS)

It is a recurring, troubling question among liberty-loving people: Is liberalism (in the classical, European sense of the world) normative? Does the set of political ideas that we call liberalism imply a certain set of values, or is it neutral? Is there a substantial core of principles sitting at the heart of liberalism, or is it merley a procedural concept? When would liberalism lose its soul? Can there be boundaries to a liberal's tolerance? What could they be?

We will debate these questions in an informal workshop with Deidre McCloskey, an ever-inspiring interdisciplinary scholar from the United States. She had a chair at the University of Illinois at Chicago from 2000 to 2015 in Economics, History, English, and Communication. A well-known economist and historian and rhetorician, she has written 17 books and aroud 400 scholary pieces on topics ranging from technical economics and statistical theory to transgender advocacy and the ethics of bourgeois virtues.