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Donnerstag, 23.06.2022 | 16:00 Uhr | Freiburg Inflation and Debt – Challenges for Monetary Policy after Covid-19

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lars P. Feld

Direktor des Walter Eucken Instituts und Uni Freiburg


23. Juni 2022

Welcome (Video)

Lars P. Feld (University of Freiburg), Michael Krause (University of Cologne), Thomas M.J. Möllers (University of Augsburg)

Government Bond Rates and Interest Expenditure of Large Euro Area Member States: A Scenario Analysis (Video)

Volker Wieland (University of Frankfurt); Discussants: Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School) and Cathérine Casanova (Swiss National Bank)

Keynote: What Do Long Data Tell Us About the Inflation Hike Post COVID-19 Pandemic? (Video)

Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé (Columbia University, NYC, USA)

Dinner, and Announcement of the Prize Winners

24. Juni 2022

I. Public and Private Debt

Public Debt Sustainability: Recent Developments and Trends (Video)

Cristina Checherita-Westphal (European Central Bank); Discussants: Xavier Debrun (National Bank of Belgium) and Christian Bayer (University of Bonn)

Coping with Disasters: Two Centuries of International Official Lending (Video)

Christoph Trebesch (IfW and University of Kiel); Discussants: Lars P. Feld (University of Freiburg and Walter Eucken Institut) and Kerstin Bernoth (DIW Berlin)

II. Fiscal Theory of the Price Level / Inflation Expectations

United in Diversity: A HANK2 model of currency areas (Video)

Gernot Müller (University of Tübingen); Discussant: Michael Krause (University of Cologne)

How to Limit the Spillover from an Inflation Surge to Inflation Expectations? (Video)

Lena Dräger (University of Hannover); Discussants: Dimitris Christelis (University of Glasgow) and Mirko Wiederholt (Sciences Po Paris)

III. Financial Stability / Realignment of Monetary Policy

What did the Monetarists Ever Do for Us? (Video)

Huw Pill (Bank of England); Discussant: Sylvia Kaufmann (Study Center Gerzensee)


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