Research Associate Philipp Weber, M. Sc.
Telefon: +49 761-790 97 14
X: @we_philipp
- Fiscal rules and public investment
- Government debt and inflation
- Financial equalization schemes and local public finance
- Taxes and economic policy

Philipp Weber studied economics at Leibniz University Hannover and the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2013 to 2018, specializing in business taxation, accounting, international financial markets and public finance. During his studies, he completed internships at BDO and EY in auditing and tax consulting as well as internships abroad in Singapore, Tallinn (Estonia) and Kotka (Finland). He also spent two years as a research assistant at the Chair of Public Finance at Leibniz University in Hanover.
Since May 2019, Philipp Weber has been a research fellow at the Walter Eucken Institute in Freiburg. His research focuses on empirical studies in public finance, in particular on subnational investment policies and the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level.
In addition, he is involved in numerous externally funded consultancy projects on taxation, industrial and economic policy. He has a distinct focus on public consultancy in the field of municipal fiscal equalization schemes.
Philipp Weber is a PhD Scholarship Holder from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes – German Academic Scholarship Foundation since March 2022.
2023 1. Überprüfung der differenzierten Normierung von Realsteuerhebesätzen zwischen kreisangehörigen und kreisfreien Gemeinden
Scientific Report in the matter of VerfGH NRW 115/22 (GFG 2022), charged by the Ministry of Regional Identity, Local Government, Building and Digitalization of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, November 2023, 42 pages (with LARS P. FELD and MAXIMILIAN LANGER).
2023 2. Überprüfung der Systematik der Gemeindeschlüsselzuweisungen und der bestehenden Sonderlastenausgleiche im kommunalen Finanzausgleich des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Scientific Report for the Treasury of Baden-Württemberg State, Stuttgart, October 2023, 70 pages (with LARS P. FELD, PARTICK HIRSCH, MAXIMILIAN LANGER and DANIEL NIENTIEDT).
2022 3. Government Debt and Inflation – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Interim Report for Mercatus Center at George Mason University, Arlington (VA), December 2022 (with LARS P. FELD).
2021 5. Öffentliche Investitionen und Fiskalregeln im Tiefzinsumfeld
Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftspolitik, No. 28, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (Ed.), Bern, June 2021, 86 Pages (with LARS P. FELD, CHRISTOPH A. SCHALTEGGER, LAURA ZELL, YANNICK BURY and STEFFEN ZETZMANN).
2020 6. Weitere/ergänzende wissenschaftliche Überprüfung der Einwohnergewichtung im Kommunalen Finanzausgleich in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Scientific Report for the Ministry for Regional Identity, Local Government, Construction and Digitalization of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dusseldorf, June 2020, 104 Pages (with YANNICK BURY and LARS P. FELD).
2019 7. Nationale Industriestrategie 2030: Einschätzungen zur „Industriestrategie 2030“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie
Report for IMPULS Foundation, Verbands Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA), Freiburg i.Br., September 2019, 31 Pages (with LARS P. FELD).
2024 1. Government Debt and Inflation: A Cross Country Investigation of the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
unpublished working paper, 2024 (with LARS P. FELD).
2024 2. Public Investment and Fiscal Rules in a Low-Interest Rate Environment
unpublished working paper, 2024 (with LARS P. FELD, CHRISTOPH A. SCHALTEGGER and LAURA ZELL).
2024 3. A New Fiscal Rule Index for Swiss Cantons,
unpublished working paper, 2024.
2023 4. Perspektiven einer Unternehmenssteuerreform in Deutschland
unpublished working paper, 2023 (with LARS P. FELD).