Affiliated Fellow Katharina Pfeil, M. A.
- Behavioral Economics
- Experimental Methods
- Shadow Economy, Undeclared Work, Tax Compliance

Katharina Pfeil studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (B.A., Hons) at Witten/Herdecke University and the University of Latvia and graduated her M.A. in Political Economy with merit from King’s College London. During her studies, she focused on New Institutional Economics and the power of ideas. She founded and organized the First International PPE Conference, participated in various extra-curricular summer schools and conferences such as the Summer Seminar of Science and the Big Questions, completed the first level of an EMCC business coach certificate and developed her interest in ordoliberal ideas during an internship at the Walter Eucken Institut. She is an alumna of the Foundation of German Business (sdw), member of theGerman Association for Experimental Economic Research (GfeW) and of the Verein für Socialpolitik. In October 2017, she started her position as a research associate at the Walter Eucken Institut and her Ph.D. at the University of Freiburg. Since October 2018 she works as a research associate at Freiburg University. Since January 2020 she consults the Minimum Wage Commission on an operational level in scientific questions. She is a recipient of the Reinhard Selten-Stipendium 2021 awarded by the GfeW.
Her research interests include the shadow economy, tax incentives, economic field experiments, and the impact of expertise. She is involved in fostering the Network of Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy (NOUS).
2024 1. You Don’t Need an Invoice, Do You? An Online Experiment on Collaborative Tax Evasion
Journal of Economic Psychology 2024, 102708 (with LILITH BURGSTALLER).
Revised version of: Freiburger Discussionpapers on Ordnungsökonomik No. 22/6, Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg, June 2022 (with LILITH BURGSTALLER).
2. Working in the Shadow: Survey Techniques for Measuring and Explaining Undeclared Work
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 200, 2022, pp. 661 – 671 (with LILITH BURGSTALLER and LARS P. FELD).
Revised version of: CESifo Working Paper No. 9810, München, Juli 2022; Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics No. 22/7, Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg i.Br., Juli 2022 (with LILITH BURGSTALLER and LARS P. FELD).
2021 1. Compliance in außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen
Studie im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts, gefördert durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg i.Br., March 2021, 94 pages (with LARS P. FELD and SARAH NECKER).
2023 2. Balancing Autonomy and Accountability: Assessing the Impacts of Compliance Management in Research Institutes
2023 (with LARS P. FELD and SARAH NECKER).
2018 3. The Feasibility of Work Time Degrowth From an Ordoliberal Perspective
International PPE Conference Discussion Papers, Witten 2018 (with HENRIETTE WESER).