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Affiliated Fellow Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt

E-Mail: goldschmidt@zoebis.de

Telefon: 0271 740-3143

Nils Goldschmidt is Professor of Contextual Economics and Economic Education at the University of Siegen. He is also Chairman of the Center for Economic Education (ZöBiS) and Director of the Center for Teacher Training and Educational Research (ZLB). He was previously Professor of Social Policy and Social Administration at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (2010 to 2013) and Professor (deputy) of Social Policy and Organization of Social Services at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich (2008 to 2010). He is also Chairman of the Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft e.V., Tübingen, a member of the Board of the Wilhelm Röpke Institut e.V., Erfurt, a member of the Board of the Görres Gesellschaft, Bonn, and an Affiliated Fellow at the Walter Eucken Institut e.V., Freiburg. He is a member of the advisory board of the Roman Herzog Institute, Munich, and the Catholic Social Science Center, Mönchengladbach. He is also co-editor of Schmollers Jahrbuch – Journal of Contextual Economics, Ordo – Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft and Zeitschrift für Politik.

Nils Goldschmidt studied Catholic theology and economics at the University of Freiburg. He received his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) in 2001 and his habilitation in economics in 2008, both also at the University of Freiburg. His research focuses on regulatory economics, economic didactics, social policy, the history and methodology of economic thought, business ethics and cultural economics.


Please find Prof. Goldschmidt’s list of publications linked here.


2008 Habilitation in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Freiburg

2001 Doctor rerum politicarum, Faculty of Economics, University of Freiburg

1997 Diplom-Theologian, Faculty of Economics, University of Freiburg

1995 Diplom-Theologe, Faculty of Economics, University of Freiburg

Academic positions

since 03/2013 Professor of Contextual Economy and Economic Education at the University of Siegen

10/2010–02/2013 Professur of Economics, in particular Social Policy and Social Management at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Applied Social Science

10/2009-07/2013 Lecturer for the course of study Economics and Society at the Bavarian School of Public Policy Munich (since 04/2010 department representative)

since 10/2009 Lecturer in the area of Economics an Society at the Hochschule für Politik Munich (Bavarian School of Public Policy)

03/2008–09/2010 Temporary Professorship for Social Politics and Organization of Social Service at the Universität der Bundeswehr Munich

02/2006–12/2011 Lecturer at the Wissenschaftlichen Hochschule Lahr

04/2002–02/2008 Research Staff at the Walter Eucken Institut; since then Research Associate

04/1998–03/2002 Research Assistant at the Institute for Economics, in Particular Mathematical Economics, University of Freiburg

02/1996–02/1998 Reserach Assistant at the Institute for Applied Theology, Field of work Christian Social Ethics, University of Freiburg


Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Tübingen (Chairman)

Wilhelm-Röpke-Institut, Erfurt (Board Member)

Walter-Eucken Institut, Freiburg (Affiliated Fellow)

Görres-Gesellschaft (Head of the department for Economics and Social Sciences)

Roman-Herzog-Institut, München (Member of the Advisory Panel)

Katholischen Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zentralstelle, Mönchengladbach (Member of the Advisory Panel)

Verein für Socialpolitik, (Member of the Panel Economic Systems and Institutional Economics, Economics and Ethics, History of Economics)

Institut für Historische Anthropologie, Freiburg (Elected Member)

Deutsches Netztwerk Wirtschaftsethik / European Business Ethics Network

Arbeitskreis Politische Ökonomie