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Donnerstag, 05.12.2024 | Walter Eucken Institut Immanuel Kant as an Inspiration for Ordoliberalism

In-House Conference

Walter Eucken Institut, Goethestraße 10, 79100 Freiburg

Workshop by NOUS and Walter Eucken Institut


December 5, 2024

Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut and University of Freiburg, Germany)
Karen Horn (University of Erfurt, Germany)

Session 1: „Eucken’s Path Towards Kant
Uwe Dathe (Thuringian University and State Library Jena, Germany)
(presentation in German)

Session 2: „What Eucken took, and misunderstood, from Kant
Paola Romero (London School of Economics)

Session 3: „Eucken Between Kant and Husserl in Search for Crisis-Proof Ground“
Richard Sturn (University of Graz, Austria)

December 6, 2024

Session 4: „The Economic Ne-Kantian Epistemological critique in Menger and Eucken“
Nils Goldschmidt (University of Siegen and Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft) and Hermann Rauchenschwandtner (University of Applied Science Salzburg, Austria)

Session 5: „The Critique of Democracy in Kant and Eucken“
Alexander Schwitteck (University of Bonn, Germany, and Zentrum Liberale Moderne)

Session 6: „Wolff’s and Smith’s Possible Traces in Kant’s Economic Remarks“
Diogo Campos Sasdelli (University of Krems, Austria)

Session 7: „Eucken’s Economic Constitution and Kant’s Rule of Law“
Piotr Oliński (University of Gdańsk, Poland)

Session 8: „Kant’s Legacy, the German Way, and the Case of Oppenheimer“
Maximilian Priebe (University of Jena, Germany)

Session 9: „Kant’s Theroy of Law and Ordoliberal Competition Policy“
Filip Lubinski (European University Institute, Italy) and Joris van de Riet (University of Leiden, Netherlands)

December 7, 2024

Session 10: „Transplantation Between Organsocialism and Ordoliberalism – Kant’s Public Law vs. Böhm’s Private Law“
Hartmut Kliemt (University of Gießen, Germany)

Session 11: „Ordoliberalism, Libertarianism, and the Environment“
Edward Kanterian (University of Kent, UK)

Session 12: „Kant, Eucken, and Big Tech – Lessons from Kantianism and Ordoliberalism“
Manuel Wörsdörfer (University of Maine, USA)

Concluding Remarks
Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut and University of Freiburg, Germany)
Karen Horn (University of Erfurt, Germany)