In 1933 Grossmann-Doerth changes as regular extraordinary professor for commercial, business and labour law as well as civil law to the University of Freiburg (Breisgau). In his inauguration speech, which took place 11. May 1933, he talked about ‘Selbstgeschaffenes Recht der Wirtschaft und staatliches Recht’ (self created law of economy and constitutional law) and presented the core statements of his own approach – assumptions, which later on became essential for the concept of the so called Freiburger Schule. In the following years a close collaboration between Walter Eucken and Franz Böhm developed. 18. July 1939 Grossmann-Doerth is drafted for military service. He died in war on 5. March 1944.
Because of his early death he was hardly mentioned in scientific literature up to now, though he can be considered as a founder of the Freiburger Schule together with Eucken and Böhm. He gave own impulses to the ordoliberal ideas and pushed the joint work within the Freiburg group significantly. Grossmann-Doerth concentrated among others things on the thought of a strong state, which is able to repel effectively private interests of single persons or groups.
Further information
Blaurock, Uwe/Goldschmidt, Nils/Hollerbach, Alexander (Hrsg.): Das selbstgeschaffene Recht der Wirtschaft. Zum Gedenken an Hans Großmann-Doerth (1894-1944).