Workshop by NOUS and Walter Eucken Institut
December 5, 2024
Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut and University of Freiburg, Germany)
Karen Horn (University of Erfurt, Germany)
Session 1: “Eucken’s Path Towards Kant“
Uwe Dathe (Thuringian University and State Library Jena, Germany)
(presentation in German)
Session 2: „What Eucken took, and misunderstood, from Kant“
Paola Romero (London School of Economics)
Session 3: „Eucken Between Kant and Husserl in Search for Crisis-Proof Ground“
Richard Sturn (University of Graz, Austria)
December 6, 2024
Session 4: „The Economic Ne-Kantian Epistemological critique in Menger and Eucken“
Nils Goldschmidt (University of Siegen and Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft) and Hermann Rauchenschwandtner (University of Applied Science Salzburg, Austria)
Session 5: „The Critique of Democracy in Kant and Eucken“
Alexander Schwitteck (University of Bonn, Germany, and Zentrum Liberale Moderne)
Session 6: „Wolff’s and Smith’s Possible Traces in Kant’s Economic Remarks“
Diogo Campos Sasdelli (University of Krems, Austria)
Session 7: „Eucken’s Economic Constitution and Kant’s Rule of Law“
Piotr Oliński (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
Session 8: „Kant’s Legacy, the German Way, and the Case of Oppenheimer“
Maximilian Priebe (University of Jena, Germany)
Session 9: „Kant’s Theroy of Law and Ordoliberal Competition Policy“
Filip Lubinski (European University Institute, Italy) and Joris van de Riet (University of Leiden, Netherlands)
December 7, 2024
Session 10: „Transplantation Between Organsocialism and Ordoliberalism – Kant’s Public Law vs. Böhm’s Private Law“
Hartmut Kliemt (University of Gießen, Germany)
Session 11: „Ordoliberalism, Libertarianism, and the Environment“
Edward Kanterian (University of Kent, UK)
Session 12: „Kant, Eucken, and Big Tech – Lessons from Kantianism and Ordoliberalism“
Manuel Wörsdörfer (University of Maine, USA)
Concluding Remarks
Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut and University of Freiburg, Germany)
Karen Horn (University of Erfurt, Germany)